Friday, 9 July 2010

anonymous letters to important people, part 1

To you
You have taught me everything I know, or rather everything I have ever needed to know. I have always been able to approach you in a way I can't do to anyone else. I can say what I mean to you, and you'll understand, no matter how much you dont want to hear what Im telling you. You have supported me the way that you were never supported. You've told me you love me even when I've given you cause to think otherwise. You have never stopped putting your head round my door to check I'm ok. You have let me make my own mistakes, and been there when I came crawling back. You've never been anything but completely honest with me, sometimes too honest. You made me listen to the best electro the world has produced, and only lately have I appreciated it. You gave me the cure, as in the band, and I'm forever grateful for that. You drove me to school on my first day of school, from primary through to sixth form. You've put up with me having tantrums then lovebites then hangovers. Lookign back you've only ever wanted to protect me from the bad things that I have thrown myself into. In every way that you can, you help me, even in times when you have even less of a clue than me. You listen to me, whether I have something to say, or not. And perhaps most importantly, you gave me your legs. Which I am forever grateful for. I may be verging on a grown up, but you'll always be the most infite source of wisdom and love to me, same as when I was little.
Love you.

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